xxx.yyy.com - -
[23/Sep/1998:00:00:01 -0500]
"GET /pubs/top10.html HTTP/1.0" 200
Mozilla 3.0/www.altavista.digital.com
xxx.yyy.com (or --
this is the host name or Internet
Protocol (IP) address associated
with the requester. In this case,
(....com) the requester is coming
from a commercial address. Depending
on the requestor's method of network
connection, the host name (or IP
address) may or may not identify a
specific computer. Connections via many Internet
Service Providers (ISP) assign
different IP addresses for each
session, so the host name identifies
only the ISP. If the computer has a
fixed IP address, that address may
still be masked if your request is
routed through a proxy server. Most
ISPs and company Web sites use proxy
servers to route Internet traffic.
The host name (or IP address) may
identify a specific computer only if
that computer has a fixed IP address
and is not routed through a proxy
[23/Sep/1998:00:00:01 -0500] -- this
is the date and time of the request
"GET /pubs/top10.html HTTP/1.0" --
this is the location of the
requested file
200 -- this is the status code - 200
is indicates the request was filled
4695 -- this is the size of the
requested file in bytes
Mozilla 3.0 -- this identifies the
type of browser software used to
access the page, which indicates
what design parameters to use in
constructing the pages; Mozilla
refers to a Netscape browser
www.altavista.digital.com -- this
indicates the last site the person
visited, which indicates how people
find this site